And so it begins. The holiday season that is. Thanksgiving is coming! That means that the day after Thanksgiving I can listen to Christmas music! That sounds silly but it's a queue for me to start preparing.
Not the house or the gifts, although, I love doing that too, but it's more than that. It's time to start preparing my heart to be very thankful for a God who is crazy about me (and you). So much so that, as one of my favorite verses says, "He who did not spare His own son, but offered Him up for us all, how will He not also, along with Him (Jesus), graciously give us all things? Romans 8:32
When I think of that, I wonder at my doubt. If God gave up His son to die for us because He loved us that much, then why do I think He won't give me everything else? (Of course I'm referring to the things He knows are good for me.) He gave me the MOST He can possibly give me already and that was Jesus on the cross and with that eternal life. God gave us life! Everything else is less!
Be thankful for a time in the year where we get to be thankful. Be thankful for a God who is for us everyday of the year and wants the best for us. May your Thanksgiving be full of life!