Well, maybe not Kansas but as of the Summer of 2013, they won't be in North Carolina anymore. The picture you see with this post is of some pretty amazing people. True servants of the Lord. He has called them to Clifton, NJ in the Dutch Hill section, to plant a new church called Christ Our Hope. They are being sent by their church, Open Door Baptist.
With a glad heart, I will have the privilege to call them neighbor. The Soca family, Cox family, Handy family and Miss Schrader will be leaving what and who they know to come and live the gospel to the people of Clifton, Paterson, Passaic and to whomever the Lord makes appointments with.
The Rodriguez family from Cliffside Park, and Russ and I will be helping with the new church plant as well. We are praying that although we aren't leaving everything and everyone we know, that God will show us things and people we have never known, as He uses us to come along side these other families, to be on mission in the world, not of the world but for the world,(as Pastor Won taught) right where we live. We also pray that God gives us a burden and true love for our city and the people who have not yet come to know Jesus in a real and personal way.
Pray for Christ Our Hope Church and the families that God is bringing together to expand His Kingdom territory and that His hand would be on us and that He would bless us indeed. If you would like to help with this new church, either through prayer or in other ways, please visit this site http://groups.google.com/group/ChristOurHope-NewJersey?hl=en