But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you. Matthew 6:33
Friday, October 31, 2008
The Real Me!
Now you can see how much work it takes to look as beautiful as I do....yeah right. This was the getup I wore yesterday at a Halloween party at work, yesterday afternoon. At least that's what everyone thought. I'm glad I was able to just let loose and be my real self. Hairy chest and all! :-)
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Garrett Douglas Wilbur

October is my son's month. Born on Oct. 8, 1993 my strong young man turned 15 this year! He went from diapers to size 13 feet, 6'1" and still growing! His heart is bigger than his admiration of Shaquille O'Neal and love of buffalo wings. His smile reminds me of the little boy inside and no one and I mean no one can do a Godzilla impersonation better than he can. I am blessed to have such a big kid with a big heart who still likes to give me big hugs and a bit of a hard time too but all in all, he's mine and I love him. Love him more than eating banana cream pie with whipped cream and drizzled with caramel, while listening to Elvis and Frankie! Here's to you son.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
5K Finish!
What an amazing day! God provided a most beautiful day for my daughter Didi and I who ran our first 5K on Saturday and we finished!!! We weren't exactly the winners in the big picture of things, with the first place guy finishing in 16 minutes, but we had our own little victories.
Push through the Nausea - Didi did it! She not only pushed through the nausea she felt but she got nauseaous because she puhsed herself so hard! It usually takes her 55 minutes to do 3 miles (5k) and that's cause she doesn't really go for it but Saturday she finished the race in 44 minutes!! I stood at the finish line, yelling, " Come to Mommy! Remember when you learned to walk? Same thing! Now, come to Mommy!", as she ran across with everything she had. I am soooo proud of her.
My Personal Best (so far) - Well, I usually take about 45 minutes to do 3 miles, and Saturday I was able to finish in 40 minutes. I was surprised and elated at the same time in my own little personal victory. Coming to that finish line was really exciting for me. As I looked at the stats online, I saw that of all the folks who did a 13 min. mile, I was the first one. First of 5! I know that sounds silly but I don't usually get first anything, so you know I had to find something! :-)
Our Biggest Fans - Russ and Garrett were waiting at the finish line and I was so appreciative and thankful for their show of support. Thanks Rusty for the great lunch afterwards! Great Greek food at Stamna's in Bloomfield. What a treat!
I suppose coming in 470 out of 483 doesn't seem like much of an accomplishment to most people, but for me it was a small goal we set and we achieved it. To me, that counts. I thank God for little pleasures in life, such as these.
November 15th is the next one. Want to join us? :-)
Push through the Nausea - Didi did it! She not only pushed through the nausea she felt but she got nauseaous because she puhsed herself so hard! It usually takes her 55 minutes to do 3 miles (5k) and that's cause she doesn't really go for it but Saturday she finished the race in 44 minutes!! I stood at the finish line, yelling, " Come to Mommy! Remember when you learned to walk? Same thing! Now, come to Mommy!", as she ran across with everything she had. I am soooo proud of her.
My Personal Best (so far) - Well, I usually take about 45 minutes to do 3 miles, and Saturday I was able to finish in 40 minutes. I was surprised and elated at the same time in my own little personal victory. Coming to that finish line was really exciting for me. As I looked at the stats online, I saw that of all the folks who did a 13 min. mile, I was the first one. First of 5! I know that sounds silly but I don't usually get first anything, so you know I had to find something! :-)
Our Biggest Fans - Russ and Garrett were waiting at the finish line and I was so appreciative and thankful for their show of support. Thanks Rusty for the great lunch afterwards! Great Greek food at Stamna's in Bloomfield. What a treat!
I suppose coming in 470 out of 483 doesn't seem like much of an accomplishment to most people, but for me it was a small goal we set and we achieved it. To me, that counts. I thank God for little pleasures in life, such as these.
November 15th is the next one. Want to join us? :-)
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
And We're Off!

Well October is here. This month is full of hope and excitement. The leaves aren't turning yet and the air is still somewhat warm. It feels like it wants to be cool but isn't quite there yet. October will not only bring my son's 15th birthday but it will also include my first ever and my mom's first ever 5k race.
We registered for a 5k in Hoboken on Oct. 11th. Three miles. This is our usual morning mileage which we can do in about 45 minutes between jogging and race walking. We don't plan to compete but we do plan to stay under 45 minutes. It's such a great feeling to have a goal. Something to look forward to. We're excited and hope our family will have fun cheering us on and get inspired to do one too. Our next one will be on Nov. 15th in Montclair. Next year we agreed that, God willing, we'll do an 8 or 10k in the beginning part of the year and work our way to a half marathon by the end. With some discipline, I know we can do it.
Thanks mom for inspiring me to get out there. Cause I sure need it after your arroz con gandules! Mmmm Mmmm! I'll post pictures of the event and keep you updated on how we did. Pray for us! :-)
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Happy Birthday Didi

Deidra Ann Ramos-Perez born on Sept. 2nd 1988 in Humacao P.R. My little baby is 20 years old today! Where has the time gone? I remember looking at her only 4 days old and wondering what she'd be like at 5, let alone 20.
One of my favorite movie scenes was from the The Divine Secrets of the Yaya Sisterhood. In it, the mother was explaining to her daughter, that when she (the mom) was younger she always prayed to God to make her prettier, more famous and better. She goes on to say that for a long time she thought God didn't answer her prayers until she realized that He did. She looks at her daughter and says, "And you came right through me. The best part of me is you." (Well something like that) Point being is that it described exactly how I felt about my daughter. The person I wanted to be in life is all wrapped in my Didi. She's intelligent, beautiful, strong in her faith, has strong convictions of right and wrong, is a hard worker, compassionate and loving. Forgive me if I'm boasting, but I see all of that in her. We both know she's not perfect but she sure is a blessing.
A little lullaby I made up for her went something like this:
Didi, Didi, Didi Ann, you're the finest in the land. If you ask me if I do. I'll say yes, sweetheart, I do love you.
I love you, Didi, with all my heart and toes.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Bust a Move!!!
Never saw my nephew Brandon dancing before and now I know why! Check him out as he busts a moves in the middle of Aileen and I rehearsing a song for Vacation Bible School! Go Brandon! Go Brandon! It's your birthday!.....
Thursday, August 7, 2008
August Heat

Counting down to the end of summer, I am glad to report that so far, so good. I am enjoying my family and friends and summer concerts in the park. I love those! Saw Dionne Warwick and heard a man that sounded just like Frank Sinatra! This weekend it's Jazz under the stars. Cannot wait to sit and relax and listen. Beach and NJ State Fair plans are in the works too. God has been good and continues to show His faithfulness to us. Prayer and learning more about Him have been the focus over the last few weeks and He is allowing me to know new things about Him. I plan to stay very close.
Enjoy the rest of the month, stay cool and may God give you His richest blessings, as you allow Him to work in your life. Are you? :-)
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
July is Flying By!!

You like my pool? I wish!!! I can't believe it's July! It's been great so far. The 4th was great and I've been to the beach twice already. Saw lots of Beach Chickens or more commonly known as Sea Gulls. This coming Saturday we're going tubing down the Delaware. Not too shabby. I hope you are having a great summer so far. It certainly goes by quickly so enjoy! ....Oh pool boy...
Monday, June 23, 2008
Congratulations Raman!
Friday, June 20, 2008
Trip to Williamsburg
I like history and always wanted to visit a place like Williamsburg. Well last week I did and it was great! Now I know some might think it boring but for me it wasn't. I saw what our country looked like back in the 17th and 18th century and it gave me a new perspective and taught me things I didn't know. For example, did you know that more soldiers died in the camp then on the field during the Revolutionary war? In camp, 14,000 died from disease and 6,000 fighting. Also, I didn't know that it was the Portugese who first enslaved the African outside the continent. I'm glad for the experience and if you like history, then make it a point to visit! Enjoy the slideshow below!
Monday, May 26, 2008
Catching Up
Well, it's been a while since I've posted. Crazy busy! There's been so much going on since I last posted. First I want to say Happy Birthday to my sister Aileen!!! She's an amazing woman and mom. I pray God blesses her always.
DOWN SOUTH - Russ and I went to Mississippi in April, with a small group to help repair houses with a mission called Back Bay Mission. I worked in a Soup Kitchen called Loaves and Fishes and also worked on a house owned by a wonderful woman named Sandra. She was very grateful that the work could be done and it was a real blessing to meet her.
BABIES! - Two dear friends are now moms. Well, one had a daughter and the other is due in November. Lots of poopy diapers to help change!
GOING HOME - A dear friend of the family passed away the same week my friend's baby was born. She took care of Garrett, since he was 6 weeks old until he was 5. She also took care of Sarah, Daniel and Christian (my niece and nephews). We will miss her very much. The night of her viewing, her best friend, who was the mom of some of my best friends in high school also passed.
FLORIDA - I write this from Orlando, where I'm on a business trip until June 3rd. It's hot and humid but I sit in a meeting room that is freezing!! I get to see my cousin Jackie and her family, which is great. She stayed with me the first couple nights and we had a good time.
All in all, there are many good things happening, as my daughter finished her second year at PACE with a 3.49 for the year. I don't know how she does it. Two jobs, school with tons of work and she teaches Sunday School and another kids group called Movers and Shakers. She's remarkable to me. I could never do what she's doing. Garrett is working hard in school this marking period to ensure his passing into the high school for 9th grade. He keeps growing and growing and at 6'2", I think he'll be a giant! A sweet giant, though, who loves his basketball.
God is good to us and His grace is abounding. I can't do this life without Him.
DOWN SOUTH - Russ and I went to Mississippi in April, with a small group to help repair houses with a mission called Back Bay Mission. I worked in a Soup Kitchen called Loaves and Fishes and also worked on a house owned by a wonderful woman named Sandra. She was very grateful that the work could be done and it was a real blessing to meet her.
BABIES! - Two dear friends are now moms. Well, one had a daughter and the other is due in November. Lots of poopy diapers to help change!
GOING HOME - A dear friend of the family passed away the same week my friend's baby was born. She took care of Garrett, since he was 6 weeks old until he was 5. She also took care of Sarah, Daniel and Christian (my niece and nephews). We will miss her very much. The night of her viewing, her best friend, who was the mom of some of my best friends in high school also passed.
FLORIDA - I write this from Orlando, where I'm on a business trip until June 3rd. It's hot and humid but I sit in a meeting room that is freezing!! I get to see my cousin Jackie and her family, which is great. She stayed with me the first couple nights and we had a good time.
All in all, there are many good things happening, as my daughter finished her second year at PACE with a 3.49 for the year. I don't know how she does it. Two jobs, school with tons of work and she teaches Sunday School and another kids group called Movers and Shakers. She's remarkable to me. I could never do what she's doing. Garrett is working hard in school this marking period to ensure his passing into the high school for 9th grade. He keeps growing and growing and at 6'2", I think he'll be a giant! A sweet giant, though, who loves his basketball.
God is good to us and His grace is abounding. I can't do this life without Him.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
April Showers
It's April and Spring is here! I saw a red robin this morning perched outside my window. Trees are budding and it just feels springier! I thank God for all His many blessings and for His creation.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Join Me In Eternity!
It's almost Easter. It came really early this year. I wonder how that happens? I hope this Easter brings a renewed sense of the joy we have in Christ. Knowing that eternal life awaits those who trust in Him is somewhat incomprehensible in our human minds. Live forever in some place called heaven? Right. Yet we live each day as if we're always going to live here on earth. Isn't that strange? I can't begin to fathom what eternal life holds for me in heaven or what I will see. What I can be sure of is that I'll get there someday. But did you know that I don't really have to wait till then to have eternal life?
If you've heard of the Easter story but never thought it to be true, then take a moment and re-think it. Christ died on the cross for our sins and resurrected from the dead to give all who believe in Him as the Son of God, eternal life. Read it for yourselves in John 3:16. That eternal life Christ offers, starts right here on earth when you accept Christ as your Savior. You don't have to wait to get to heaven! This Easter rejoice that God made that possible through Jesus and join me in eternity!
If you've heard of the Easter story but never thought it to be true, then take a moment and re-think it. Christ died on the cross for our sins and resurrected from the dead to give all who believe in Him as the Son of God, eternal life. Read it for yourselves in John 3:16. That eternal life Christ offers, starts right here on earth when you accept Christ as your Savior. You don't have to wait to get to heaven! This Easter rejoice that God made that possible through Jesus and join me in eternity!
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Sunday, February 10, 2008
In New Orleans

I'm working in New Orleans for the All-Star event and it's much different than I thought. The food has been phenomenal but there's no very much in the way of "lite" menu choices. I can't even find Baked Lays! Bourbon St. isn't the place I'd bring my children and the mighty Mississippi is full of ships. It's definitely a party and eating town "fo show". I've been in prayer for a good event and for my co-workers during this stressful time and will continue praying. I miss my family and Russ and my friends very much but talk with most of them every day. Can't wait to get home.
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Where Has the Time Gone?

I can't believe it's the end of January and I've been so busy that I haven't updated this blog with any good pics or happenings. Where has the time gone? To lots of places like home, Garrett and school, church and family but I thank my God that He is in control at all things at all times, no matter how busy I get. He is all in all and that's all I need to keep going. Time keeps going and so will I. Till the next time!
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Update on Whitney Nelson
Whitney Nelson was born on Jan. 7th and weighed 8lbs. She is the baby with spinabifida that we were praying for. Well, she's here and is just beautiful. God is amazing. She's already had surgery for the lesion on her spine and we continue to pray for her and her family. To read more about her surgery and see what she looks like, please visit www.whitneynelson.blogspot.com
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
Happy New Year!!!
2008! Can you believe it? Time is flying by. Resolution? Yes. 1080i on my new tv! Woohoo! Gotcha! I'll be posting pictures soon from New Year's Eve and let you know about any resolution I actually intend to keep, since I'll be posting them and will have to once it's on the net. :-) I wish everyone a blessed new year and that God would create a deep desire your heart to get to know Him better and more intimately. Happy New Year!
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