Tuesday, October 14, 2008

5K Finish!

What an amazing day! God provided a most beautiful day for my daughter Didi and I who ran our first 5K on Saturday and we finished!!! We weren't exactly the winners in the big picture of things, with the first place guy finishing in 16 minutes, but we had our own little victories.

Push through the Nausea - Didi did it! She not only pushed through the nausea she felt but she got nauseaous because she puhsed herself so hard! It usually takes her 55 minutes to do 3 miles (5k) and that's cause she doesn't really go for it but Saturday she finished the race in 44 minutes!! I stood at the finish line, yelling, " Come to Mommy! Remember when you learned to walk? Same thing! Now, come to Mommy!", as she ran across with everything she had. I am soooo proud of her.

My Personal Best (so far) - Well, I usually take about 45 minutes to do 3 miles, and Saturday I was able to finish in 40 minutes. I was surprised and elated at the same time in my own little personal victory. Coming to that finish line was really exciting for me. As I looked at the stats online, I saw that of all the folks who did a 13 min. mile, I was the first one. First of 5! I know that sounds silly but I don't usually get first anything, so you know I had to find something! :-)

Our Biggest Fans - Russ and Garrett were waiting at the finish line and I was so appreciative and thankful for their show of support. Thanks Rusty for the great lunch afterwards! Great Greek food at Stamna's in Bloomfield. What a treat!

I suppose coming in 470 out of 483 doesn't seem like much of an accomplishment to most people, but for me it was a small goal we set and we achieved it. To me, that counts. I thank God for little pleasures in life, such as these.

November 15th is the next one. Want to join us? :-)

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